This website provides information on sexual assault response in Georgia
for law enforcement, medical professionals, advocates, and court personnel
Training Options for Georgia's Sexual Assault Kit Tracking System (SAKTS)
All Georgia agencies that handle sexual assault kits were legally required to register and begin using the system by July 1, 2022; this includes sexual assault and child advocacy centers, law enforcement agencies, hospitals, correctional facilities, universities, prosecutors, and medical examiner's offices. For training options or instructions on how your agency can register, email
Sexual Assault Response Training Requests
To request a training tailored to professionals in your area, email . Training topics include:
Sexual Assault Response Teams
The GA Sexual Assault Kit Tracking System (SAKTS)
Laws related to Sexual Assault response in GA
Cold case sexual assaults and homicides
FBI Violent Criminal Apprehension Program (ViCAP) and its application in GA